outside Sources About Education:

A fantastic ally for those looking for best practices in alternative education.

A blog from 'psychology today' with insights about the psychology of learning, parenting and teaching.

A personal hero, extremely insightful ex-NY teacher of the year.

A great resource for parents with questions seeking holistic answers to sometimes tough questions

A good source to learn about unschooling and the natural ability for young people to teach themselves. 

The name notwithstanding, an interesting resource for students that need to de-school.

A link to the bit of the RCWs relevant to all parents who home school in WA.

All about the logistics of homeschooling in WA

Resources for autodidactic learners:

A great compendium of open source educational resources and curricula.

An alternate curriculum with some good resources.

A fantastic catalog of free undergraduate classes.

Tactics and content for autodidactic learners.

A great curation of short talks designed to provoke deeper inquiry.

A practical forum addressing techniques, philosophy and support relating to permaculture. 

A well sourced and controversial alternate news source covering a wide array of topics of international and US interest.

Outside Programs of note:

Great courses covering various science related topics. A highly recommended supplement to any education regime. 

An immersive music and marching program. Ideal for a musician looking to receive disciplined training at the highest level.

A great program for those looking for an inclusive alternative to traditional scouting.


A Harvard professor, nominated for the Levinson Teaching Prize, and regarded by his students at University of Toronto as a truly life-changing teacher.

A great resource for counter intuitive ideas and a great jumping off point for deep research.

A professional association giving a psychoanalytical analysis of history.